Devon Family History Logo

Devon Family History Society can help people trace families in Devon and help people living in Devon trace their families wherever they may be. Full details can be found at There are meetings online and in person, we have a research centre in Exeter and a wealth of resources and knowledge at your disposal.


The website to use to look for birth, marriage and death records were

A free site. 

Less easy to negotiate and also free is but in some cases, this gives extra information that is not on the other site. This is also the site you will need if you want to order copies of the certificates.


Many other records are available on subscription websites. DFH  recommend Find My Past, over its main rival Ancestry as Find My Past has many Devon records that Ancestry does not. Both Find My Past and Ancestry are available at the Devon Family History Society Research Centre, at South West Heritage Centre in Exeter and Barnstaple and in many libraries. Devon Family History Society also has many records in the Members’ Area of its website that are not available elsewhere.