Gallery of Village Hall Events
A collection of photos of Village Hall events.

Shirley Redaway and Phillip Collins in stage presenting commorative mugs.

Jubilee Picnic - And they're ready. Hobby horses lined up waiting for their jockeys.

Parishioners listening to a talk on energy in the home.
The winners of the 'What the Village Hall Means to You' competition, Veronica Matthews and Percy Kent
Bill, Raffie and Eliza Clatworthy-Edwards finding Roof-us easter prize.

Weigh in for the Potato Bucket Challenge.

Entrant into the Scarecrow Competition.

Children in Need Ramble 2022

Children in Need Ramble 2022

Parishioners gathering in the hall for the 13 Lives talk.

Thai Talk.

A produce sale in the village hall during the 1940's.

A party in the village hall during the 1940's.

A party in the village hall during the 1960's

Photo of children in playground of Sampford Courtenay school (Village Hall) 1927

Photo of pupils at Sampford Courtenay school in the 1920's.

Photo of parishioners in the hall for the Queens coronation