A Murderous Midsummer

A Murderous Midsummer

Friday 16th Aug 24 - 4pm - The Church Rooms

A chance to hear again the fascinating presentations by Dr Sue Andrew and Prof Mark Stoyle.

£5 pp 

Reserve your tickets here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHUnLbvAa8HldhdRwqfuAldEke6OdIvcVgdzMgRg4Ni70MmQ/viewform?usp=pp_url 

Commotion Times

Sat 17th & Sun 18th August -  Dr Edward Fox and Commotion Times Re-enactment Group 

Will be setting up a "Living Village" on the Village Green to demonstrate the Tudor skills and life of the 16th Century.

There will also be:-

  • Meet the Rebel leaders in the Church Rooms
  • Prayer Book Rebellion Display Boards in the Church.
  • Archery Display - witness the power of the mighty English war bow.
  • Arming the Man - the arms and armour of a Tudor soldier
  • Dressing the Lady - see how the Tudor lady dressed
  • Plus come and follow along as the Commotion Times soldiers march along some of the routes taken by the Rebels in 1549.




New Inn - Sampford Courtenay


Saturday August 17th, come along to our historical village and enjoy a free live music event for all ages from 3pm in the garden at the New Inn, Sampford Courtenay. 

BBQ from 1pm

More details of acts to follow.


Banner of the 5 Wounds

Sunday 18th August 2024 - Commemoration Service - St Andrew's Church. 6pm

A Service to commemorate all those who lost their lives during this conflict in 1549

The Sampford Courtenay Time Travel Group

Sampford Courtenay Village Hall - Fri - October 4th.

Inaugural meeting of this local  group to delve deeper into the history of our locality looking at the People who may have lived in your house in previous generations; Place - just how did Sampford Courtenay and Honeychurch develop over the years; and Purpose - what lead to the changes over the years.

Ideal for anyone who wants to find out about their own house or property and where to look for information about who has lived  there over the years. Even if your house is relatively "new" then join us to find out about what life here might have been like in past generations.

A specific example of how research has helped to gain an understanding of one particular property will be shared at this event which will, hopefully, lead to the group working out what sort of activities we'd like to do in the future.

Morris Men

Saturday 8th June 2024 - Tudor Fete Day 

in the Square and on the Village Green

  • Street Market Stalls - 
  • Morris Dancing
  • Bar with special "Rebellion Ale and Cider"
  • Refreshments & BBQ
  • Mummers Play
  • Tudor Games and Displays - Village Green and Square


    The sun shone down on a wonderful Tudor Revel in the Village Square & Green, lots of fun, laughter and merriment was had.

    Thank you to all who supported this event.

Mark Stoyle
Mark Stoyle Audience

Friday 7th JUNE 2024 - 4pm - Talk by Mark Stoyle and Sue Andrew 

Sampford Courtenay Village Hall and St Andrew's Church.

Mark Stoyle is the author of a new publication on the Prayer Book Rebellion called "A Murderous Midsummer" and Dr Susan Andrew - an expert on late medieval church roof bosses.

Sampford Courtenay Western Rising, 475th Anniversary Commemoration

Two talks: Sue Andrew ‘Before the Storm: Sampford Courtenay’s Church and Church House in the Early 16th Century’ and Professor Mark Stoyle ‘A Tudor Tragedy: The Western Rising of 1549’.

Followed by chance to have guided tour of the Church, Church Rooms and notable sites in the parish. 

An audience of over 100 enjoyed this special event as part of our 475 Prayer Book Rebellion year.

What's it all about? with Mistress Pratt.

Visit to local Primary Schools of Exbourne & North Tawton to explain how some important history took place just down the road from where they live.

Exbourne Wed May 22nd  & North Tawton Thurs May 23rd

If your child attends either of these schools and you are wondering what they were talking about - please download the presentation below and let them talk you through it.

Follow up Medieval Craft afternoons.

Exbourne Wed Jun 5th & North Tawton Thurs Jun 6th.

Hear what Mark Stoyle has to say about the Prayer Book Rebellion.

By kind permission of Mark Stoyle and BBC History - why don't you have a listen to Mark's Podcast on his recent research about the Prayer Book Rebellion.

Click the link below or search for Not Just the Tudors - Edward V1 & The Prayer Book Rebellion on Spotify.


Pun Quiz


A BIG THANK YOU  to Jason, Debbie and team and everyone who supported this event.

Just over £200 was raised for the Prayer Book Rebellion Funds.


Thank you.


Devon Family History Presentation
Time Line Presentation


The hall was packed to hear David Botting Page explain the TIME LINE of this area; Marion Pratt explain the history of some of the properties in the parish; and Janet Few and Chris Braund taking us through a fun interactive exercise to see if our “Tudor” characters would have survived.

(Spoiler alert - I was the undertaker and kept very busy!)

A big THANK YOU to everyone who supported this event - and we hope to see you at our TUDOR FAYRE on Sat 8th June.


NB - A PDF of the Presentation on Some of the Houses in Sampford Courtenay can be downloaded below. 

If anyone has anymore information about the houses in Sampford Courtenay please email them to Marion174@btinternet.com so that it can be included in our History section.

If you want to know how to research the history of your property come along to our TIME TRAVELLERS Meeting on OCT 4TH.


Coach Tour Group

Sun 14th April - Tour of the Battle Sites

A BIG THANK YOU to all who supported this event.

Especial "Thanks" to Dr Ed Fox and John Griffiths for their excellent informative and entertaining commentary throughout the tour.


Tudor Costumes

Tudor Times Evening - Fri 22nd March - 7pm

Tudor Times Evening – with John & Alison Griffiths & Ed Fox – TUDOR DRESS, FOOD & basic time line of events

A BIG THANK  YOU  to everyone who came along and supported this event.

ESPECIAL THANKS to Dr Ed Fox, and John & Alison Griffiths for their insights into what life was like in 1549.

PLEASE SEE TEMPLATES BELOW various Tudor costumes that you can size up to fit yourself or members of your family to wear at the TUDOR FAYRE on Sat 8th June.


Medieval Ale


To commemorate the Event on 8th June 2024

The Cider Vat & Taw Valley Brewery

have created a Rebellion Cider and Rebellion Ale

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who entered.

The CIDER VAT appreciated everyone's efforts so much that they are going to use them all as labels for their Cider.

Thank you.




A BIG THANK YOU to the McIlwraith family and friends for a very successful day, and to everyone who supplied apples.

They have been turned into 800ltrs of cider for next year's Rebellion weekend.

Edward V1

Horrible Histories Storytelling Workshop - Mon 23rd Oct 2023 10am - 3pm

A BIG THANK YOU to our local Story Teller - Michael Dacre for his recount of the background and events that took place during the Western Rising and Prayer Book Rebellion.

16 young people from the parish and surrounding district, (together with parents, grandparents and carers) enjoyed listening to his tale - especially the gory bits - and enjoyed a walk around the parish and to the Church with Marion Pratt to see some of the locations in the story.

The cost of this event was kindly sponsored by a grant from SCPC and contributions in kind.

Thank you.


Picture of engraved plaque commerating the Prayer Book Rebellion

A very successful meeting took place on Thursday 1st June 2023, at which images from the Event held to mark the 450th Anniversary in 1999 were viewed and lots of  ideas  were suggested from the Community for an Event in June 2024 on the 475th Anniversary.

A Summary of the suggestions so far can be downloaded below.

If you would still like to get involved or have some suggestions to make

 Please leave your details on. 01837 82285 or email marion174@btinternet.com