Thanks and Recognition Certificates - If you know someone who deserves a Certificate for work behind the scenes to make Sampford Courtenay such a lovely parish to live in please nominate them

Certificate 31
The Band of Volunteers and Supporters that gave their time and energy into the planning of and delivery of the successful Events commemorating the 475th Anniversary of the Prayerbook Rebellion

Cerificate 30
Awarded to Patrick Roberts and John Friend
For tidying and clearing vegetation around the stone cross and finger post and speed sign at Bulland Cross and helping to make Sampford Courtenay a more pleasant place to live and visit.

Certificate 29
Awarded to Bob & Joy Tucker, Jackie Hedges, Janet Palmer, John Hedger, Martin Morrissey, Dee and Matt Crerar, Glen Harman, Jenny Dennison Smith, Philip Collins, Roger Thompson, Mike & Julie Carpenter, Marion Pratt & Bill Robertson
for organising and supporting the SCEnSus Himalayan Balsam clearance along Holebrook Stream Sampford Courtenay.

Certificate 28
Awarded to Shirley Reddaway, Marion Pratt, Bill Robertson, Andy & Michele Wilson and members of the Parish, family and friends for supporting the Parish Teddy Bear's Picnic and helping to celebrate the unveiling of the public bench commemorating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Certificate 27
Awarded to Members of Sampford Courtenay Community
for supporting the Village Green Clear up helping to make the Parish a pleasant and fun place to visit.

Certificate 26
Awarded to Stephen Panter and Arthur Panter
for supporting the community fund raising efforts in aid of the humanitarian appeal for the people of Ukraine.

Cerificate 25
Awarded to DCC Western Neighbourhood Highways Team
for their dedication and tenacity when delivering services to to make Sampford Courtenay safer in the face of Storm Eunice and the challenges this weather episode has brought. Whether clearing debris or removing dangerous tree branches from our roads their dedication to the communities in Sampford Courtenay is gratefully acknowledged.

Certificate 24
Awarded to Marion Pratt, Bill Robertson, Andy & Michele Wilson, Mike Carpenter, Nicky Courage, Sandra Harper, Lynn & Rory Robinson
For creating and supporting the Winter Wonderland and Christmas Cheer 2021

Certificate 23
Awarded to Emily Evely and the Speedwatch Team
For creating and promoting the volunteer group who are delivering valuable road safety activities to keep those using our roads safer.

Certificate 22
Awarded to Bob and Joy Tucker, Arthur and Lynne Richards, Jackie Hedges, Janet Palmer
Jill Beavis, Martin Morrissey, Gaynor Botting Page, Phillip Collins, Andrew Townsend Green and Duan, Gareth and Billy Evans and Marion Pratt and Bill Robertson
For organising and supporting SCEnSus Himalayan Balsalm Cleanup

Certificate 21
Awarded to Mark Hedges Construction, Underdown Dairy & the Culverhayes Team
For supporting and Sponsoring the Sampford Courtenay Christmas Cheer & Santa’s Wonderland 2020

Certificate 20
Awarded to Marion Pratt & Bill Robertson, Michele & Andy Wilson, Mike & Julie Carpenter, David & Gaynor Botting-Page, Nicky Courage, Bob & Joy Tucker, Lynn & Rory Robinson, Chris Pratt & Shirley McClement
For making the Sampford Courtenay Christmas Cheer & Santa’s Wonderland 2020 such a success

Certificate 19
Awarded to Heather & Brian Aldridge, Duncan & Ted Coventry, John & Ann Palmer, David & Gaynor Botting Page, Jill & Robin Bevis, Nicky Courage, Jackie Hedges, Veronica Mathews, Colin Coleman, Janet Palmer, Rosemary Lowe, Bob & Joy Tucker, Andy & Michele Wilson, Bill Robertson & Marion Pratt
For supporting the SCEnSus Clean Up

Certificate 18
Awarded to Dave Viggers & Bob Tucker
For supporting the fundraising Roof-Us Appeal by creating a scale model of the Village Hall

Certificate 17
Awarded to Nicky & Kevin Courage
For supporting the Community during Covid 19 through their fund raising Cream Teas and Apple Pie deliveries raising money for the Village Hall Roof Fund.

Certificate 16
Awarded to Patrick Roberts.
For supporting the parish by assisting to maintain the Plant and Produce Stall helping to raise money for the parish.

Certificate 15
Awarded to Shirley McClement & Pam Owen
For supporting parishioners and their families to stay safe during Covid 19 by making Face Masks which have also helped raise money for the parish.

Certificate 14
Awarded to Dave McClement
Who has undertaken the restoration of the BT Kiosk in the Square to help maintain the heritage of this listed monument in the Village.

Certificate 12
Awarded to Underdown Dairy.
For supporting Nicky and Kevin Courage in donating the essential ingredients for the Covid Community Cream Tea’s raising money for The Village Hall Charity.

Certificate 11
Awarded to Janet Palmer, Bev Palfrey, Andy and Michele Wilson, Marion Pratt, Bill Robertson, Adrian Tilley, Ann and John Palmer, Philip Collins, Twiggy and Michaela Lake, Adrian, Di and Jacob Robinson
For helping to support and entertain guests at Sampford Courtenay Murder Mystery night to raise funds for the Parish VE day celebrations.

Certificate 10
Awarded to Sampford Courtenay Bell Ringers.
For supporting and positively promoting the Parish through their Bell Ringing whether in competitions or at charity events, but especially for their dedication for ringing in the New Decade as part of the New Years Eve Celebration in Samford Courtenay Square

Certificate 9
Awarded to Marion Pratt & Bill Robertson, Michele & Andy Wilson (aka Santa), Julie & Mike Carpenter, Janet Palmer, Joy and Bob Tucker, Colin Coleman, Nikki Courage, Sue Robertson, Tracy & Dee Mombeyarara, Veronica Matthews & Rose Panter.
For the organisation and running of the Christmas Cheer event helping to raise money to support the Parish celebrations of VE Day in May 2020.

Certificate 8
Awarded to Julie and Mike Carpenter, Jacquie Hedges, Janet Palmer, Joy & Bob Tucker, Rory and Lynn Robinson, Andy & Michele Wilson and Gillian & Andrew Townsend-Green & Friend.
For giving their time and taking part in the Autumn Parish Cleanup Day, helping to make Sampford Courtenay a cleaner and more pleasant place to live and visit.

Certificate 7
Awarded to Michele and Andy Wilson, Family and Friends.
For organising a very informative and enjoyable Wine and Food Tasting Evening and raising over £500 for The Village Hall and Defibrillator Fund.

Certificate 6
Awarded to John Palmer.
For creating and posting publicity boards for Parish Events. Plus strimming verges to ensure visability of publicised events in the Parish.

Certificate 5
Awarded to Sandra Harper, Marion Pratt & Bill Robertson
For their planning, organising and running of the Sampford Courtenay Flower and Produce Shows enabling £700.80 to be raised for the Village Hall and the Parish Defibrillator Fund.

Certificate 4
Awarded to Tony and Sandra Harper, David and Gaynor Botting-Page, Michele Wilson, Marion Pratt and Bill Robinson.
For delivering over 300 Flower Show schedules, Village Hall Coming Events leaflet and the new Parish Council Chairs letter as the first collaborative exercise since the Parish Survey.
Providing a service to help keep residents of the parish informed.

Certificate 3
Awarded to Dave Viggers
For using his skills and materials free of charge to repair and refurbish the children’s play
equipment on Sampford Courtenay village green. Providing safe facilities for the
enjoyment of residents and visitors to the Parish.

Certificate 2
Awarded to Kim Allsebrook
For single handedly raising money to provide a Public Defibrillator at The Beeches, Sampford Courteny, which was installed and became live on 28th January 2019, providing life saving facilities for residents and visitors to Sampford Courtenay.
Certificate 1
Awarded to Marion Pratt, Bill Robertson, Colin Coleman, Julie & Mike Carpenter, Janet Palmer, Andy & Michele Wilson, Joy & Bob Tucker, Nikki Courage, Avril Flannigan, Jackie Hedges Lynn & Rory Robinson, David & Gaynor Boting Page and Anthony Morris.
For taking part in the Spring Parish Clean up Day helping to make Sampford Courtenay a cleaner and more pleasant place to live and visit.