A-Z of activities & clubs
There are a number of regular activities and clubs within the parish, and a few more on its margins. These cover almost any field of interest that you could think of... as well as one or two that you wouldn't think of but might like to try. Click on the links, which will take you to another part of this website, or make a phone call to find out more.
- Art and Craft Group: Culverhayes
- Bellringing, St Andrew's
- Bowling (North Tawton): Mr G Denham: g.denham78@btinternet.com
- Drama – ANTS (North Tawton):
- Exbourne, Jacobstowe and Sampford Courtenay Women's Institute
- Football Club (North Tawton): 01837 82907
- Flower Club at the village hall
- Grumpies, The
- Guides (North Tawton): 01837 89160
- Reading group
- Rugby Club (North Tawton): 01837 82907
- Scouts (North Tawton): Phil Roberts: 01363 82500; robertsfamily.phil@btinternet.com
- Skittles at the village hall
- Table tennis at the village hall
- Tap dancing at the village hall
- Women's Institute: Margaret Cleveland President - r.cleveland187@gmail.com
- Youth Club (North Tawton):