We are interested in publishing creative writing by Sampford Courtenay residents on this website. If your piece is long, we can include an extract on this page and link it to a pdf download of the full document, which people can print out for easier reading. Contact Julie Carpenter at admin@sampfordcourtenay-pc.gov.uk for more information.


Read the first chapter of John Palmer's The Hidden Memory below. More chapters coming soon.

The Hidden Memory


Chapter 1

I knew my parents loved me but I’ve always had a niggling feeling at the back of my mind that they didn’t really mean to have kids, that, perhaps, I was just a bit of an accident.

My parents had good jobs, though not particularly well paid, and they enjoyed them immensely. They had met at work, which was for an international charitable organisation helping underprivileged children from all over the world. This meant that one or other, and sometimes both, were frequently away from home and often abroad. So, in my early years, I got used to a life of spending loads of days in nurseries and nights in the care of babysitters...


View and download the full chapter below.