Sampford Courtenay and Honeychurch Time Travel Group
Friday 4th October, 7.00pm Sampford Courtenay Village Hall
Come and join us for the launch of the Sampford Courtenay and Honeychurch Time Travellers’ group!
Whether you want to become a Time Traveller or not, join us for this exciting evening.
You’ll get the chance to:
- Hear and see the detail about one particular property, Frankland Farm, with Veronica
- Who owned it and who lived there pre-1960
- What their lives were probably like and what was important to them
- How the house and buildings evolved – what are the clues?
- Productive Frankland – then and now
- See the massive Sampford Courtenay and Honeychurch ‘Timeline’
- Find out how to research your own family history online with a member of the Devon Family History Society
- Take part in a Time Traveller activity where you’ll ‘meet’ two Frankland residents from the 1800’s
- Tell us what you’d like Time Travellers to do in the future – and what you can contribute!
- Find out more detail about your own property and who lived there
- Why are Devon long houses like they are?
- King’s College – then and now
- The many tradespeople who lived and worked in the Village and Parish
- Visits to other places of interest with local links – lets go and see ‘our’ Fire Engine!
- Link with other local History groups to compare notes
- Anything else that you think is a good idea
There is no charge to help us launch Time Travellers but you are invited to make a donation on the evening to cover the cost of the Hall for this and future events.
Locals have the first chance to sign up for the event. If you’re on our emailing list then you’re a ‘local’! After the 1st September 2024 it will be opened up to groups and individuals beyond the Parish – Don’t miss out, sign up now!
Or ring Marion on 01837 82285 or